Monday, May 31, 2010


This memorial day weekend i went to atlanta it was alright i slept in the marriott hotel i went there to me my uncle and cousin and for carribean festival which was cool on friday at 5:30 we left and was on the road we got to my uncles house that night at 10:00 but went to bed at 11:00 then saturday we went to the parade til we then when we got to the hotel that day after the parade we got cleaned up and got some shut eye and on sunday we got up and went to a picnic and ate til we got a stomache and then we went to the hotel after 8 and went swimming and it was fun then on monday at 10:00 we left and got home at 5:00 and now im writing this blog well peace!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Going to play lazertag at 8:00p.m can't wait to play it ive never played it before ive heard alot of people say stuff about that game well bye!!Send in comments how you like that game peace!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Hey, girls im going swimming around 1:00.So cool!So whatcha doing?Whaat's your favorite song?Send in comments telling me what your favorite song is and maybe some you can find something in common with others.

Friday, May 14, 2010


hey whats up im so bored send me comments bye!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010


OMG!i just saw on kaylee's blog it said all her best friends were listed everyone but my omg! i am just halucinating??or did she accidently do it or purposly do it omg ! i am so mad but then not sure because it just may be a mistake but maybe its just me but what am i suppose to do go after her and act like a fool and embarass my self when it just may be an accident or just sit back like it was a mistake when it wasnt and she really did it on purpose what should i do i mean even nobody not even 1 person will make a comment!!! OMG IM LOOSING MY MIND!!!

No Sweat!No Worries!!!!!Cuz We Rock!

Hey,guys as you know the EOG's have just past.I hope each and everyone of you took the time to look over your work and not rush through the test because if you did then sorry to tell you but you FAILED!!But if you took your time and used your strategies then you would have known you PASSED!!!!But if you think you did in the middle you probaly got a 3 which is still PASSING!!!!!!But please send in your scores for reading and math and spread the good news!!!When you make your comment tell me your score .I get my results monday May 17,2010.Im hoping for both 4's!! !!!!!!!THUMBS UP FOR YOU GUYS!!!!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Well,i went to the doctors office last week and guess what!I had a brused bone but its been a week and now it feels better i am so glad i didnt break anything well um i wanted to let you know Happy Mothers Day!! to all your mom's and don't be afraid to leave comments!!!!!!<3 Nadiya Kayl33 is my best friend eveaaa!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


HEY!!!!!!!!IV'E GOT THE WORST HAPPENED ON SUNDAY FOLLOW THIS STORY; i was just chilling in my room watching tv my dad's gf's daughter came in the room asking for something then was going down the steps and her mom started screaming"JAHYRA (jUH-hIGH-rUH) GET OUT THE HOUSE HURRY AND SHE RAN AND GRABBED HER. I DIDNT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON BUT NEXT 2 MINS HER SON CAME RUNNING THROUGH THE DOOR "NADIYA GET OUT THE HOUSE THERE'S A FIRE OUTSIDE!!!" I came running down the steps and BAM!! ii hurt my foot and now i stayed home yesterday and today im going to the doctors to see if i broke my foot and need cruches!!-<3 NADIYA